Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Best Day of Jersy's Life

For everyone who knows Jersy, you know she has a great love of horses. For New Year's we went to Aztec, New Mexico to visit the Stinson side of our family, and Jersy and Jagger got to spend their days playing out on the farm and riding Gram's new horse Pepper. She was in Heaven!


Lori said...

She is so stinkin cute!

Stephanie said...

What a cool little girl! Love the horse phase, happy her Granma got one.

Kimberly said...

We miss you very much. Jersy is getting big.

Diane said...

How fun! I am so glad Jersy got to ride Pepper.

Moira-Lin said...

Wow Becky! It's been a long time. You look great! I haven't seen you in forever. Twins, I'm sure you stay very busy!

Meg said...

BECKY!! How the heck are ya. I can't believe How big your girls are! And the twins aren't babies....where does time go? Where are you living these days? From the snow my guess is not AZ. You look amazing by the way. Let me know your secret is. 4 kids and you look better then ever.